Welcome to WWLD where we believe that everyone, especially children, should learn the art + power of deep conscious breathing. In today's fast-paced world, anxiety, tension + stress have become a part of daily life for many, often leading to shallow breathing without even realizing it. Our mission is to change that by starting with our children, teaching them how to breathe deeply + consciously, setting them on a path to better emotional intelligence, self-regulation + the ability to consciously co:create their reality.

We know that children of color face additional stressors + health disparities due to systemic inequalities + discrimination and have greater challenges accessing the support they need. That's why we're dedicated to providing tools that can help all children, but particularly those from marginalized communities, develop resilience + emotional literacy. Proper breathing techniques can be a powerful ally in managing stress, improving health, enhancing focus and emotional regulation. By equipping children with these lifelong skills, we hope to empower them to thrive in any environment.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple yet profound: to teach children the power of deep, conscious breathing. We believe that by instilling these skills early on, we can help our children navigate the challenges of life with greater ease + confidence. Our focus is not just on the physical act of breathing, but on the holistic benefits it brings to mental, emotional, physical + spiritual health.

By providing them with effective breathing techniques + the understanding of how to use the breath, we aim to foster a greater sense of who they truly are, their power + the love they possess within. We are here to assist in creating a world where every child has the tools they need to breathe better, live fully + love more.

Join us on this journey to better breathing!

Let's help our children grow into emotionally intelligent, self-sovereign individuals, ready to take on the world + create a future where